Years Of Success


The Reality at Present
- Human always want to control nature and conquer it. Being a Rational Animal we cares for Family and tries to over protect their future. As a parent we want our children to be the one we dreamt of.
- That's why Children always carry the burden of incomplete desires of the parents or the comparison with nears and dears.This unnatural process pressures children and make them Dunce/Slow at learning though children were born Genius.
- We call this process Unnatural because God/Nature loves Uniqueness and hates Repetition. Keeping all natural things in mind we are here with the Unique Concept of Nature’s GIFT. Children learn the language of mother without knowing any language before, similarly there are many ways which we can explore by training our children in natural and unique way.
- How Tapovan can help your children? To get a free consultation - Fill this form

“Krish had no complaints apart from studies. The main reason for his weak performance was lack of concentration. Krish was not able to give attention in his studies or extra - curricular activities. He started losing his self confidence due to continuous weak performance. With the help of “Shree Tapovan Mid-brain Activation Academy” program there is an increase in his concentration. With the improvement in his concentration he has started gaining his lost confidence and has started performing well in studies.”
“Siddhi Prajapati was generally a shy and smiling teenager. After her experience with Brain Child Learning her parents have seen a better communication with people. Earlier Sindhuja was not able to express herself to others, but now she can put forth her thoughts to people, with much clarity. She doubts herself less and does believe in herself more showing more confidence.”
“Param is active & a humorous child. At the same time naughty & impatient. Initially he showed resistance to join the “Shree Tapovan Mid-brain Activation Academy” class & took it very lightly. But now he understood it's importance in his day-to-day life. His concentration has improved remarkably. He shows high confidence in whatever he does. He has learned to divert his active energy. For him anything is possible. Thanks to “Shree Tapovan Mid-brain Activation Academy”
How Shree Tapovan can help children?
Answer is:
There are 7 chakras in human body. Each is known to be the enormous power centre. Those can be opened by the meditation process of its own kind.
Meditation is a remedy for all the problems human race is facing. Activation of 3rd eye or ajna chakra is a beautiful process of balancing the hormones and setting their frequency. Routine practice secrets more enzyms (melatonin & Ceratonin.)

CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara)
knowledge | spirituality
intuition | imagination
love | compassion
wisdon | confidence
SACRAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana)
sexuality | emotions | creativity
ROOT CHAKRA (Muladhara)
stability | grounding